When I thought of making a weather station, one of the items I wanted to acquire is the well water volume that I have, this way I can study the water dynamics and learn something about it and its use.
To do it there are mostly 3 ways:
- Ultra-sound device pointing to the water, acquiring the water level.
- Pressure measurement device on the bottom of the well, enclosed in a waterproof box with some membrane allowing the inside of the camera to increase/decrease pressure, measuring the water weight.
- Pressure measurement device on top of the well, enclosed in a tube, filled with the corresponding water level, measuring the water column.
Knowing the depth of the well and the diameter of the rings we can calculate the volume of water using the formula:
- V = π radius2 height

Basically it's something like:
A sense tube is connected to the pressure sensor which resides on top of the water column. The tube goes all the way down to the bottom with an opening near the down end, forcing water to go into the tube. When the liquid fills the well, it also fills the tube till the same height. The trapped air in the tube is compressed, being measured by the sensor on the top of the column. The increase in pressure is proportional to the depth.
Regarding my case, and taking consideration of this: 0.1 meter H2O (conventional) = 98.0665 pascal, and knowing that I have a 7.8 meters depth well, a totally full well would return 7649.187 pascal, an empty one would return something like ambient pressure (on top of the well) minus 7.8 meters depth (easy huh?). The mentioned value allows us the use of a 0.1 meter resolution (used as resolution base value) which means an amount of about 31,4 litters up or down.